The Camping Air Conditioner

air conditioner for camping

How many BTU do I need for a tent heater?

With so many models of heaters in the market, it is normal to get confused and ask yourself – How many BTU do I need for a tent heater?

Even though the exact answer will vary depending on your tent shape, insulation, area, desired temperature change, etc., we have found a rule of thumb that might help you calculate the ideal size for your heater.

The formula is straightforward, and you will only need the following information: 

  • Tent Size – volume (area x height in cubic feet)
  • Desired temperature increase (in Fahrenheit degrees)

 (Temperature Increase) x (Tent Volume) x 0.25 = BTUs heater output. 

Let’s go into detail with the calculations below, with an example. 

which size should my tent heater be

How to calculate my tent volume?

The calculations are elementary. You need to get your floor area and multiply for the tent’s height. As an example, let’s use the CORE 12-person cabin model. 

Its dimensions are:

  • Floor size – 11 feet x 16 feet –> Floor Area = 176 square feet
  • Height – 86 inch (1 inch = 0.083 foot) = 7.16 feet

The tent’s volume is calculated according to formula below and it is 1,260.16 cubic feet

 Tent Volume = Tent Floor Area x Height 

What is the desired temperature increase?

The temperature increase is a personal choice, but let’s assume that you are camping with temperatures of 40 Fahrenheit and would love to sleep with a temperature of 65° F (according to Cleveland Clinic, the best temperature to sleep ranges between 60 and 67° F).

Therefore, the required temperature increase required is 25° F (65° F – 40 ° F). You can check the temperature and weather forecast in your campsite with

Desired Temperature Increase = Desired Temperature x Existing Temperature

Required Heater Output

Using the first formula shown in this article, we will find that the required heater output in BTUs is approximately 7,876 BTU per hour. 

 (Temperature Increase) x (Tent Volume) x .25 = BTUs heater output. 

 25 ° F x 1260.16 Cubic Feet  x 0.25 = 7,876 BTU per hour

In this case, we would recommend Mr Heater 232000 MH9BX Budd, which provides from 4,000 to 9,000 BTU per hour.

Tent Heater Output x Tent Size

Considering the calculations above, we further investigated which tent heater model will suit different tent sizes. Our calculations are based on some premises using existing products in the market, as shown below:


82.7” x 82. 7” x 47.2”

 (6.88 ft x 6.88 ft x 3.93 ft)

Volume (cubic feet):

186.6 cubic feet


9 ft x 7 ft x 4ft 11” 

(9 ft x 7 ft x 4.91 ft’)


Volume (cubic feet):

309.72 cubic feet


16 ft x 9 ft x 6ft 2” 

(16 ft x 7 ft x 6.16 ft’)


Volume (cubic feet):

690.65 cubic feet


11 ft x 16 ft x 7.16ft


Volume (cubic feet):

1260.16 cubic feet

Reviewing these models, we established the following metrics for each standard size:

  • Small tents have approximately 200 cubic feet
  • Medium tents have approximately 350 cubic feet
  • Large tents have approximately 700 cubic feet
  • Family Tents have approximately 1250 cubic feet

We stipulated different temperature increases to calculate the amount of BTUs required and sumarised our finds in the table below. 

tent heater size BTU

With these calculations, we recommend the following heaters:

Best option for small tents with low temperature increase needs – Mr Heater F215100 (Little Buddy) – 3500 Btu (Green area)

Best medium to large tents with moderate temperature increase needs – Mr Heater 232000 MH9BX Buddy – 4000 to 9000 Btu (yellow area)

Best option for over-sized tents with significant temperature increase need – Bluu  20,000 BTU Heater (red area)

Note: All these calculations are indicative only.


What is BTU?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit. One BTU is the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water by 1° F.

What tent heater is the best?

Overall, our pick is Mr Heater 232000 MH9BX Buddy . It offers great flexibility since you can operate it at different heating output levels. 

How cold is too cold for camping?

In short, there are records of professional camping in temperatures as low as -70F.  However, for normal campers, temperatures between 30 to 40 ° F are already considered cold, with a lower threshold of 0°F for experencied campers.

Suggested Article

Is it safe to use a heater inside my tent?

Yes, there are no problems as long as you follow some safety instructions, such as:

  • Monitor carbon monoxide (CO) levels
  • You heater must have auto-shutoff mechanism for overheating and tip-over incidents

Is it safe to sleep with my tent heater turned on?

We do not recommend it. There are CO poisoning and overheating risks that you should avoid. 

How can I insulate my tent for winter?

Among several measures, we suggest the following:

  • Use insulating foam on your tent walls
  • Insulating your tent floor
  • Using the most suitable tent (choose the right tent fabric and model)
  • Pick smaller tents
  • Pitching your tent in areas with limited wind exposure
  • Using a tent heater
  • Using a suitable sleeping bag

If you want to know more about it, read our detailed article below.


We prepared this article to help you select the appropriate size for your tent heater. In summary, you will need the following information:

  • Tent Size – volume (area x height in cubic feet)
  • Desired temperature increase (in Fahrenheit degrees)

Bear in mind that these calculations are indicative only, and the perfect answer will depend on weather conditions, tent insulation measures, and many other factors.

Happy camping! 

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