Camping during winter can be magical – you can enjoy tranquil moments that only the coldest season can provide. Beautiful landscapes, breathing fresh air, escaping the summer crowds, and avoiding mosquitos (they can be annoying!) are amongst the things we like the most.

Recent research has also shown that camping during winter can improve your sleeping patterns. The article was published in 2017 and present surprising results!
However, you might face some heating challenges if your camping site lacks proper electrical infrastructure. So, how to heat a tent without electricity? We have prepared a detailed guide with great tips to help your outdoors adventures during winter.
Tip 1 - Use a portable gas heater
Portable gas heaters are an excellent option for those who do not have power around
their tents. They are easy to carry around and can provide up to 10,000 Btu.
There are several models in the market today, but our preferred is Mr Heater F23200. It combines unique value for money, quality, and safety features.
If you intend to use them, please read their usage instructions carefully and make sure that you follow their safety instructions. We have prepared a detailed article on how to use propane heaters in a tent safely.
Pay attention to the following points:
- Are there safety devices in the chosen equipment (i.e. auto-shutoff mechanisms)?
- Check for potential gas leaks and monitor carbon monoxide and oxygen levels.
- Do you have minimal air circulation in your tent?
Finally, we do NOT recommend you sleep with the equipment turned on. Place it inside your tent 2-3 hours before going to bed to have a warm and cozy night. Also, remember bringing extra gas bottles as they might not last too long – for example, Mr Heater F232000 bottles usually last for 4-5 hours.
Tip 2 - Pick the right fabric and tent
We have prepared a detailed guide on what tents are made of and how to choose the most suitable material for you.
Overall, canvas tents offer better insulation and better temperature control. However, nylon and polyester tents can be manufactured with specific coatings to improve their insulation and waterproofness capabilities.
If you are camping in extreme cold weather conditions, we recommend looking at the ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian. This is tent with a quick setup made of polyester (options for 2 and 3 campers). It only weighs 3.5Kg, being perfect for those who want a portable tent.
Tip 3 - Pitch your tent at the right spot
Strategy wins the game! Before setting up your tent straight away after arriving at your camping site, check the following tips:
- Avoid pitching your tent in open areas and with wind exposure. The freezing airflow might cause the wind chill factor, in which your body temperature drops even further because of the lower temperature air.
- Preferably, pitch your tent where your tent can have at least a couple of hours of sunlight exposure. In contrast to summer days, you will probably look for areas fully covered by trees, look for places with partial coverage – for example, partially shaded areas during the day.
- If you are camping with snow, be mindful of potential avalanche corridors or place with potential snowfall exposure.
Tip 4 - Bring warm blankets
A warm camping blanket will help you tackling the cold days. You can find a wide variety of them these days on Amazon. We recommend looking for options that are lightweight and easy to carry.
Recland has recently launched a soft insulated option with heavy-duty features and excellent value for money. The blanket is made of nylon, which ensures that it is incredibly lightweight.
Rec-Land Outdoor Camping Blanket – Soft Insulated Blanket
There are also multiple battery-operated camping blankets that will ensure a cozy war night for you while camping.
Battery-powered camping blankets
Tip 5 - Don't forget Warm Sleeping Bags
Sleeping bags can be made of different fabrics, such as nylon, polyester, polycotton, silk, , taffeta, and others.
Overall, the insulation mechanisms can be split into synthetic materials and natural fibers. Whilst synthetic options tend to be more affordable, the warming power of natural fibers tend to be superior.
Before buying your sleeping bag, have a look at its temperature rating. Different options suit better specific temperature ranges, and you should pay attention to which option you are buying.
Make sure to check what the weather is like in your preferred camper site and buy a sleeping bag according to the average temperatures. You don’t want to choose an overheating solution that will make you sweat during the night
Tip 6 - Eat more
As a car engine needs fuel to properly work, your body needs enough calories to keep your body temperature high in cold days. Generally speaking, NHS recommends an intake of 2000 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men.
The human organism is very intelligent and increase its metabolism rate during cold days to compensate the temperature drop and keep your body warm. A study undertaken by the National Library of Medicine (NIH) has shown that the average metabolic response was significantly higher (11.5%) in winter when compared to summer days.
Whilst the optimal temperature will depend on a wide variety of variables (age, person, activity, level of fitness, etc.), the accepted average temperature is around 98.6oF (37oC)
Stick to healthy food options, such as nuts, red meats, salmon and oily fish, and hot vegetable soups!
Tip 7 - Use a hot water bottle
Using the physics principle of heat radiation, you can use a bottle full of hot water to keep the environment around your body warm. The radiation occurs when heat moves through infrared waves from one point to another.
If you fill a bottle full of hot water and bring it inside your tent, it might help in increasing the tent’s temperatures. However, be thoughtful and careful:
- Choose hot water bottles of high-quality (picture below)
- Be careful when handling them, as they will be hot – we suggest using gloves.
- Do not sleep with it under your sleeping bag or cover (they might leak and drench your bed)
We recommend leaving the bottle inside your sleeping bag for 10-15 minutes before you use it. Then, remove it.
Overall, this method is a “short-term” solution, as the water will exchange heat with the environment and will probably cool down in hours. On the other hand, it is a highly affordable and easy solution.
Tip 8 -Try light exercise before going to bed
Light exercises like jogging might increase your internal temperature. Overall, body movements produce body heat induced by your organism’s metabolism. A 20-minute walk around your camping site might not only increase your temperature but also relax your mind – enjoy it!

Tip 9 - Drink hot beverages
We found a terrific budget-friendly alternative for a portable coffee maker. Conqueco has created this 12V espresso machine with a rechargeable battery that provides flexibility and practicality. It can be charged in your car and comes with a 15bar pressure system.
Check the video below and see how it is simple to handle.
Tip 10 - Insulate your tent
Simple insulation steps might create a cozy environment inside your tent. You can:
a) Insulate your tent floor – you can use an aluminum reflective between your tent floor and your sleeping bag. This will help to trap the hot air inside your tent. You can also use a heating carpet, but most of them come with electrical requirements.

b) Close tent openings during the night – make sure that your tent is insulated from air circulation to avoid wind chills.
c) Cover roof and walls with thermal insulations – Yes, this is possible. You can buy them on amazon and completely cover your tent with them (we only recommend this option for freezing weather). Overall, it is a cheap and easy to maintain option.
There are multiple options to heat your tent without electricity. We hope that this article helps you with creative ideas and easy solutions to improve your winter camping days. You can combine multiple tips to provide you with the best heating solution.
If you still think that you are going to be cold in your tent, have a look at your guide on how to pick the best tent heater for you.